Super Amibos 44 – Episódio Episódico

Estamos começando mais um SAC! Nesta edição, descubra todas as especulações sobre o novo console da Nintendo, ignore a morte de Alan Rickman enquanto discutem sobre impotência masculina, ouça as polêmicas sobre Netflix bloqueando proxys e para ouvir o resto do episódio, compre o próximo capitulo!



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22 thoughts on “Super Amibos 44 – Episódio Episódico

  1. Porra Jone, Clarêncio é daora. Titio Avô concordo, é bem bosta. Ainda sobre o Clarêncio, recomendo o episódio Barco dos Sonhos, apesar dos outros episódios não terem a mesma qualidade, acho que vale a conferida.

    Melhor frase do Pablo “Vai tomar no seu cu de vocês”.

    E também gostaria de parabenizar o cuidado pra evitar os spoilers no programa, até Harry Potter, merece o elogio.
    Sobre o Final Fantasy, acho que não vai ter tanto problema de ficar muito overpower porque creio que devem colocar um lvl cap por episódio.

  2. Sobre a Monolith que o Jone mencionou – que é a desenvolvedora de Xenoblade – ela não é second party mas sim firsty party porque a Nintendo comprou ela da Bandai Namco faz uns 10 anos.

    Eu realmente não me incomodo com o Hitman sendo episódico. Até acho melhor assim porque vou ter mais condição de pagar por missões do que pelo jogo inteiro, daí posso guardar dinheiro pra outros jogos.

  3. Vocês que entendem mais inglês que eu, qual seria o sentido de Nintendo-like solution? Porque numa dessas reuniões de acionistas no ano passado, o Iwata respondeu a um acionista sobre o lançamento do NX qual seria a solução que a Nintendo daria sobre os lançamentos ruins do 3DS e do Wii U, principalmente em relação a first-party e ele deu basicamente essa resposta: “I will not share details on NX today but with regard to the launch of Nintendo 3DS and Wii U not necessarily having progressed well and not acquiring sufficient support from software publishers, we intend to offer NX through a Nintendo-like solution.”

    Segue a integra da pergunta e da resposta:

    Q 3

    I have the impression that the launches of the two systems, Nintendo 3DS and Wii U, were consecutive failures. Nintendo 3DS seemed to recover after the hardware markdown and the availability of a wide selection of third-party software. As for Wii U, the situation does not look so good. I have the same concern for the launch of the new NX. What measures are you taking to avoid the same mistakes? Also, please comment on your collaborative relationships with third parties from whom you currently lack support.

    A 3


    The situation for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U is in line with what you mentioned. For Wii U in particular, it cannot be said that it had a successful launch. As for Nintendo 3DS, in Japan there was a temporary slowdown but we managed to make a recovery by offering a number of initiatives collectively. On the other hand, Wii U has not been able to recover at this point in time. Because of this, the size of the installed base compared to the Nintendo DS or Wii eras appears not to be as solid and this is reflected in the company’s profitability. But taking a look back, it was not the case that Nintendo DS sold with huge momentum from the beginning. When it first started to lose momentum, we offered a number of titles from a new genre, such as “nintendogs” or “Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day,” and these titles were widely accepted even by those who had never played video games in the past. This sequence of events led to a very large business. The platform business can sometimes be referred to as a “momentum business.” Thus, it is ideal to have a jump start and drive momentum. Looking back at some of Nintendo’s past platforms, this ideal launch has been achieved 100 percent by perhaps only Wii. Even the Nintendo DS launch had areas in which we could have done better. I cannot disagree with your indication that Wii U is experiencing the most unfavorable situation.

    Since the word “NX” has been mentioned, please let me elaborate. When Nintendo announced the collaboration with DeNA on March 17 of this year, I mentioned that Nintendo is currently developing a new dedicated video game system codenamed “NX.” The reason I mentioned this was, at that time, there were more than a certain number of people that thought that Nintendo would give up on the dedicated game system business and concentrate on smart device application development, or that Nintendo should take that path. In addition, such tone could be seen frequently through the media. I felt it was necessary to communicate that Nintendo is not pessimistic about the future of the dedicated game system business but rather more and more eager to continue it. On the other hand, details on the new platform essentially should come later. This is because the entertainment business has an aspect where there is value in surprising consumers. It is not convincing enough to the consumer if we describe how the magic works before actually showing it to them and then expecting them to be surprised or delighted. Having the element of surprise or doing the unexpected is the premise for introducing new ideas and having them welcomed with surprise. That is why I have been repeatedly saying that the next news on NX will not be announced during 2015 but will be announced in 2016. Nevertheless, since NX has news value, when I am interviewed on various occasions, I am asked about it almost every time. I will not share details on NX today but with regard to the launch of Nintendo 3DS and Wii U not necessarily having progressed well and not acquiring sufficient support from software publishers, we intend to offer NX through a Nintendo-like solution. Thank you for understanding that we are making various considerations and preparations in order to avoid what happened with the previous generations.

    On a different note, I believe the standard for software publishers in selecting what hardware to provide their games for is the installed base after all. The larger the installed base or the more it is believed that the installed base will largely expand, there is an aspect that more software publishers are likely to join in. On the other hand, Nintendo is collaborating with various software publishers. At E3, which was held in the U.S. and is the largest trade show in the video game industry, we received many proposals for joint initiatives. In addition, Japanese software publishers have close relationships with our licensing department on a regular basis. As for collaborations with software publishers or their games, please consider that there are various ongoing projects below the surface.

  4. Só uma pequena correção quando vocês comentam sobre o poder de processamento do Game Cube, na verdade ele é melhor que o Playstation 2. O grande problema do Game Cube era a mídia dele que era limitada, impossibilitando jogos maiores.

    Com relação ao NX, acredito que o a combinação do console portátil com o de mesa não deve ser o atrativo principal do videogame, isso provavelmente será o controle. Digo isso, pois pensando de uma forma prática, a unificação de plataformas é na verdade o caminho natural da tecnologia. Ao invés da Nintendo separar os times de desenvolvimento para as plataformas diferentes (WiiU e 3DS) eles unificam os times e conseguem fazer um produto final que atenda satisfatoriamente os consumidores das duas plataformas.

  5. Gamecube mais fraco que PS2 = mito. No mínimo tão forte quanto, e segundo alguns pontos de vista técnicos, até mais poderoso.

  6. Poxa Jone adoro todos os desenhos que você falou que são uma bosta, Clarêncio é um desenho que você precisa assitir mais epsódios para entrar na vibe rs. Eu sei que eu tenho o gosto discutível. rs

    • hauhauha, tem tanta coisa que eu realmente gostaria de assistir (ex: Cowbly Bebop) que acho que dar chance para um desenho que não me desceu até hoje está fora dos meus planos.

  7. Vocês nunca jogaram .hack// né? A CC2 já fazia JRPG episódico no PS2. Eles podem, e provavelmente vão, botar um level cap. baixo na primeira parte para que você não possa chegar na parte 2 muito forte, além de limitar as possibilidades, mas ainda mantendo conteúdo adicional secundário para jogar no pós-game da primeira parte, como caçar chocobos e jogar o mini-game de tower defense.

    • Eu ouvi falar desse jogo já na época do “fim” do PS3, então era muito trampo voltar pra jogar ele…

      Você diria que funcionava bem?

      • Funcionou, cada parte tinha 20 horas de modo história, além das sidequests. Ter 3 partes assim por vez ao invés de ter de dispor de 60+ horas de uma só vez só para completar a main quest faz com que o jogo não pareça se extender tanto. E mais, você podia importar seu save do jogo anterior, o que sempre é a melhor opção, mas, se por qualquer motivo você não quisesse, poderia jogar uma parte sem ter jogado a anterior.

        A única desvantagem era que você tinha que pagar por cada parte. Não sei se era fullprice, mas cada parte era um disco em caixa, afinal era PS2. Imagino que com FF7 eles façam como os jogos da Telltale e Life is Strange, cada episódio online é barato, o Season Pass com todos os episódios some os 60 dólares de um lançamento e quando o último episódio sair eles lancem todas as partes em um disco só.

  8. Ou..já pode falar que matam o Han Solo na peixerada ou ainda ta muito cedo ?

    Eu quero que se foda…Jornada nas Istrela é uma bosta memo

    Bom memo era Babylon 5 que tinha o ET roxo

  9. Sobre o NX, o Iwata meio que deixou claro que a principal preocupação da Nintendo não é angariar apoio de third party. Na última reunião com os acionistas, um deles perguntou sobre o lançamento do novo console e o que eles vão fazer pra evitar o que aconteceu com o 3DS e Wii U (lançamento ruim, poucos jogos de thirds no começo – e até o final, no caso do Wii U). E sobre isso, o Iwata disse que a Nintendo daria uma “nintendo-like solution”. Posso ter entendido errado, mas imagino que a Nintendo vai focar mais ainda em terceirizar IP próprias e fazer mais contratos de exclusividade com second-party. Segue a integra da pergunta e da resposta:

    “Q 3

    I have the impression that the launches of the two systems, Nintendo 3DS and Wii U, were consecutive failures. Nintendo 3DS seemed to recover after the hardware markdown and the availability of a wide selection of third-party software. As for Wii U, the situation does not look so good. I have the same concern for the launch of the new NX. What measures are you taking to avoid the same mistakes? Also, please comment on your collaborative relationships with third parties from whom you currently lack support.

    A 3


    The situation for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U is in line with what you mentioned. For Wii U in particular, it cannot be said that it had a successful launch. As for Nintendo 3DS, in Japan there was a temporary slowdown but we managed to make a recovery by offering a number of initiatives collectively. On the other hand, Wii U has not been able to recover at this point in time. Because of this, the size of the installed base compared to the Nintendo DS or Wii eras appears not to be as solid and this is reflected in the company’s profitability. But taking a look back, it was not the case that Nintendo DS sold with huge momentum from the beginning. When it first started to lose momentum, we offered a number of titles from a new genre, such as “nintendogs” or “Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day,” and these titles were widely accepted even by those who had never played video games in the past. This sequence of events led to a very large business. The platform business can sometimes be referred to as a “momentum business.” Thus, it is ideal to have a jump start and drive momentum. Looking back at some of Nintendo’s past platforms, this ideal launch has been achieved 100 percent by perhaps only Wii. Even the Nintendo DS launch had areas in which we could have done better. I cannot disagree with your indication that Wii U is experiencing the most unfavorable situation.

    Since the word “NX” has been mentioned, please let me elaborate. When Nintendo announced the collaboration with DeNA on March 17 of this year, I mentioned that Nintendo is currently developing a new dedicated video game system codenamed “NX.” The reason I mentioned this was, at that time, there were more than a certain number of people that thought that Nintendo would give up on the dedicated game system business and concentrate on smart device application development, or that Nintendo should take that path. In addition, such tone could be seen frequently through the media. I felt it was necessary to communicate that Nintendo is not pessimistic about the future of the dedicated game system business but rather more and more eager to continue it. On the other hand, details on the new platform essentially should come later. This is because the entertainment business has an aspect where there is value in surprising consumers. It is not convincing enough to the consumer if we describe how the magic works before actually showing it to them and then expecting them to be surprised or delighted. Having the element of surprise or doing the unexpected is the premise for introducing new ideas and having them welcomed with surprise. That is why I have been repeatedly saying that the next news on NX will not be announced during 2015 but will be announced in 2016. Nevertheless, since NX has news value, when I am interviewed on various occasions, I am asked about it almost every time. I will not share details on NX today but with regard to the launch of Nintendo 3DS and Wii U not necessarily having progressed well and not acquiring sufficient support from software publishers, we intend to offer NX through a Nintendo-like solution. Thank you for understanding that we are making various considerations and preparations in order to avoid what happened with the previous generations.

    On a different note, I believe the standard for software publishers in selecting what hardware to provide their games for is the installed base after all. The larger the installed base or the more it is believed that the installed base will largely expand, there is an aspect that more software publishers are likely to join in. On the other hand, Nintendo is collaborating with various software publishers. At E3, which was held in the U.S. and is the largest trade show in the video game industry, we received many proposals for joint initiatives. In addition, Japanese software publishers have close relationships with our licensing department on a regular basis. As for collaborations with software publishers or their games, please consider that there are various ongoing projects below the surface.”

  10. Sendo o cara chato, algumas partes do podcast o som estourou um pouco, mas de resto bem tranquilo

  11. “Hitman: Absolution” é sensacional e há duas fases com Chinatown.

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